Monday, August 3, 2009

This is the Beginning...or These are the Beginnings?

Hello Folks,

I'm Ted, Uncle Ted.....okay well that didn't work as well as I had hoped. I thought it would be much funnier. Oh well.

Well this blog is the beginning of my attempt to share my hobby with all of you. And what is my Hobby you ask??

My Hobby is pretty much summed up as Collecting Hobbies.

What I mean by that is I love doing so many different things and finding new challenges so much that I end up jumping from one hobby to another all the time. Or trying to find a way to combine multiple hobbies into one, like I am doing here with this Blog.

I like writing and talking about what I have found on all the different topics I keep looking up as I search for the next new tidbit or challenge in all my various hobbies. So here I will be sharing with you all how those wild ramblings across the net and at my work bench as I Work on my different hobbies.

I'll share what works for me and what doesn't. Which product works and which one do not. I also plan on taking you along with me with pictures and write ups on my various projects.

Well until I get something substantial ready to post I hope you all enjoy my random ramblings as I try to figure the best way to put this all up.

If you have a suggestion please feel free to put it in a comment

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