Friday, August 14, 2009

Things are moving as things will

Well Howdy and Welcome to you fine folks.

Okay I don't have everything together like I had hoped. I am over flowing with idea's and trying to get each on down on paper is taking away from my time to actually work on the projects I have more than just a vague idea on. Well what actually happens is when I sit and do a little work on those projects I am trying to get to my mind wanders after making a descent amount of progress and I start getting inspire by what I just did. Kinda annoying, but exactly why I have the knowledge I am trying to share with you all.

So far I have most of the basic drawing on the Hobby Organizer done, just trying to decide on measurements before I start cutting materials. You can only measure twice to cut once after you know the measurement you are looking for. After I get that finalized I will show you all my rough drawings and preliminary materials list.

Also I was dabbling with some image editing looking for a picture for this blog, got something I like, just trying to get it to the proper size. My editing skills are by far still too hit and miss and I am not sure of what I did to get to where I am so I can't share, but I will be putting up some links I found helpful.

I have also been experimenting with some other web page formats, again Web design isn't really my thing but I will share with you all what I can. That will definitely be a project where you get to see the result up close.

I am also working on a few other things that will be brought into this blog and the site to fallow. So I am staying busy, well is it really busy when you are loving every minute of it?? Even the most frustrating ones.

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