Friday, August 7, 2009

What to do?? What to do?? Oh good golly I have so many options.

Well folks since my last post I have been doing a literal ton of work. I'm serious, I make granite counter tops at work and I am sure I have worked on much much more than a ton of stone since I last posted.

I have also done alot of work on things for this blog. I've made some decisions on what I will be covering here first. I have been going through the mountains of models, books, and what not trying to figure out what journey we should begin together here. I've decided I am going to working on one of the Miniature War Game Army I have sitting around waiting to be painted....which one I am still not sure, but one of them it will be.

I also noted how unorganised all my model supplies and tools are. Spread out in 1000 different places around my house and vehicle. So as I decide on which Army will be my first big project here I am going to work on a smaller one with you all. I'll be building an organiser for my supplies and tools. I'm thinking something movable, not quite portable, but movable. Think a desk top computer(movable) as apposed to a laptop(portable).

So my next full blog will have a set of plans and a projected materials list at the very least. I'll also have some pictures and some suggestions for other options in building the organiser.

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